Smoking contributes to one in five strokes in the United States. In this TV ad for CDC’s “Tips From Former Smokers” campaign, Suzy talks about losing her independence after smoking caused her to have a stroke.

More About Suzy

Suzy, age 62, came from a family of smokers, so it wasn’t unusual when she began sneaking cigarettes at age 15. Suzy grew up and married; she and her husband were exemplary entrepreneurs. Both also smoked. Although Suzy had quit smoking when she was pregnant with her second child, she eventually started again, smoking on and off for several years.

In 2007, at age 57, Suzy suffered a stroke, which her doctors linked to her many years of smoking. It was then that she quit smoking for good. The stroke caused her to have partial paralysis and problems with her speech and eyes. Worse yet, it cost Suzy her independence.

Podcast: Suzy’s Radio Ad (60 Seconds)

View more of the CDC’s Tips from Smokers Campaign