QUiTWORKS-NH is an evidence-based tobacco treatment service launched in September 2007, by the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services. QUiTWORKS-NH and QuitNow NH are operated by the New Hampshire’s Tobacco Prevention & Cessation Program.

QUiTWORKS-NH is a free tobacco treatment service based on the U.S. Public Health Service Clinical Practice Guideline, Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence. It is intended to assist providers with the tobacco treatment efforts of their patients. QUiTWORKS-NH links patients who want to quit using tobacco to a full range of tobacco treatment services.

How does QUiTWORKS-NH Work?

Any provider can easily and quickly refer a patient who wants to quit using tobacco, regardless of health insurance status, by using a simple enrollment form. The enrollment forms (available at no charge from www.quitworksnh.org) are signed by the patient and faxed to the NH Quitline.

When the form is received, the NH Quitline staff calls the patient, completes a patient assessment, and offers the patient free, evidence-based counseling services. Every referring provider receives a faxback report to confirm contact with the patient and the services accepted. About one month later, a NH Quitline staff member calls the patient to assess their tobacco use status and faxes a report on patient outcomes to the referring provider.

Visit www.quitworksnh.org

What You Do in Five Easy Steps

1. Set up a system to identify tobacco use by patients when they arrive at the office practice.

2. Talk with patients about tobacco use during the office visit. Give the patient a QuitWorks-NH Brochure for Smokers at check-in.

3. Complete enrollment form with patient’s signature and fax enrollment form to the QUiTWORKS-NH toll-free line.

4. Prescribe pharmacotherapy, if appropriate, for relief of withdrawal symptoms and to aid with stopping smoking.

5. Receive status reports, review, and file in patient medical record.

QUiTWORKS-NH Takes It From There

1. QW-NH: Calls your patient – Upon receipt of an enrollment form, QUiTWORKS-NH:

  • Conducts a telephone interview to assess readiness to quit
  • Mails QuitWorks-NH materials
  • Offers multiple counseling options
  • Advises your patient on course of action

2. QW-NH: Provides intensive counseling services, on the phone or through referral to in-person services.

3. QW-NH: Provides on-line help at http://quitnownh.org

  • Access to a wide-range of materials to download to help the patient
  • www.BecomeAnEx.org offers an interactive bulletin board and user community
  • Expert advice and success stories

4. QW-NH: Faxes report to referring provider, advises the status of patient contact, and indicates services selected.

5. QW-NH: Sends a one-month patient quit status report to the provider identified on the enrollment form; aggregate reports may be customized for your practice, if desired.

Tools for When You Start Using QUiTWORKS-NH

Go to QuitWorks Tools to view the brochures, pocket guides, and Questionnaire that can be downloaded from the website. If you have questions or need assistance to use QUiTWORKS-NH, please email us or call QUiTWORKS-NH at 1-800-QUIT-NOW (1-800-784-8669).

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