Dear Me, I’m quitting Smoking so my health gets better. So I don’t struggle with breathing, so hopefully won’t get really sick in summer and winter. Usually ammonia, or bad case of bronchitis. Either one isn’t 😊❤️. Please 🙏 God help me with this task, it isn’t an easy one been smoking since I was 9 years old. I am now 58 years old and ready to give them up. I really enjoy them but I know it’s poison to my body. Please 🙏 help me heal from the damage smoking all these years has done to my body. I am a strong woman, who I truly believe in the power of pray 🙏 and that I’m strong enough to heal from smoking all those years. I Chose March 2, 2023 to quit. ❤️ So Far I have not smoked a cigarette, it has been 5 months and three weeks. So proud of me. ❤️ Good job to myself. I know now that, I truly am strong enough to overcome this disgusting habit, that I convinced myself I couldn’t live without. Change my mindset and I changed my life. Still have coughing fits, but are getting better everyday. I was carrying around a monitor to monitor my breathing when I smoked still it was always 92 now its 96 on good days 98. So you did it self on your way too recovery and healing 🥰 great 👍😊 Never going back. Always remember ❤️ You can do anything you set your mind too. I wanted to also remind myself that this summer, I didn’t get bronchitis, so I truly am recovering. ❤️ 🙏 😊

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